barpa Plinths are only appropriate for barpa cabinets. It helps your cabinet to have more stability and better looking.


CodeDescriptionWeight (kg)Dimensions (mm)Quantity (un)
82391001166Plinth for norma 600x600mm5.5620x620x1201
82391001168Plinth for norma 600x800mm6.0820x620x1201
82391001161Plinth for norma 600x1000m6.51020x620x1201
82391001188Plinth for norma 800x800mm7.0620x820x1201
82391001181Plinth for norma 800x1000mm7.5820x1020x1201
82391001182Plinth for norma 800x1200mm9.0820x1220x1201
82391002166Plinth for cetus 600x600mm6.0620x620x1201
82391002168Plinth for cetus 600x800mm6.5620x820x1201
82391002161Plinth for cetus 600x1000mm7.0620x1020x1201
82391002162Plinth for cetus 600x1200mm7.5620x1220x1201
82391002188Plinth for cetus 800x800mm8.0820x820x1201
82391002181Plinth for cetus 800x1000mm8.5820x1020x1201
82391002182Plinth for cetus 800x1200mm9.0820x1220x1201
Plinth – Datasheet
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